Need a job? Don’t have experience? Connect with a Career Advisor to explore your options!
Fill out our C-TEC Youth Service’s Contact Form and someone will get back to you to talk about our services.
Want to gain hands-on experience to move you toward your goals? What are you waiting for? Check out these local events!
Want a job? Want to be successful? Want to increase your earning potential? If you’re ready to get started, then C-TEC Youth Services may be for you! Here are some examples of how we can help:
If you’re motivated to get started, let’s go!
C-TEC Youth Services is here to assist the emerging workforce (that’s you if you’re ages 14-24!) successfully prepare for a career. We do that by providing individualized assistance that helps you set career goals and supporting you to meet those goals. Sometimes all you need is a friendly, knowledgeable assistant to help you get started! We’re also here to help navigate those bumps in the road that are bound to come up. Our services are entirely free, and sometimes we can even help you pay for career related expenses! So whether you need to finish your basic education, get a job, train for a career, or start college, we have the experience, knowledge, and to opportunities help you be successful.
Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for our assistance, so click here to see if you may qualify:
Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) | Clackamas County
What is Public Health Emergency Preparedness? Clackamas County’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program works to build and strengthen the Public Health Division’s abilities to